Free Online Courses

Use the directory and associated links below to access free episodes of our courses on Youtube and our public education site Notion. 


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Please Note: 2BSilent Members currently have full access to all courses and guided meditations, as well as instruction and support through our bi-monthly live Q&A calls. 

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All guided meditations related to the following courses are included free for 2BSilent Members or can be purchased as standalone programs. Some course episodes offer a pdf download as supporting material from our public google drive folder.

Foundational Spiritual Practices

For Dreamers, Creators, and Mystics
Develop a personal spiritual practice and create the life you want

Glossary of Terms and Definitions

Foundational Principles

1. There is Only The One Thing - Notion
2. The One Only Wants What You Want - Notion 
3. Like Only Speaks To Like - Notion 
4. The External is a Perfect Mirror of The Internal
5. Relaxation is Power
6. Survival and The Conscious Mind
7. As Above, So Below
8. Energy Flows Where The Mind Goes
9. Mastery is In The Transitions
10. Resistance is Futile
11. Attenuation and Imbibing
12. The Body as a Tuning Fork
13. Being Congruent
14. Know Thyself
15. Making it Personal
16. Sleep, Death, and Dreaming
17. The Subconscious Speaks in Symbols
18. The Four Words of Power
19. Joyful Effort


Foundational Practices

1. Observation of Mind
2. Burning Meditation
3. What do you want & Why do you want it?
4. Conscious Relaxation
5. Analysis & Contemplation
6. Middle Pillar
7. Open Focus Meditation
8. Yoga & Qigong
9. Training The Will
10. Developing Imagination
11. Prayer / Circle Walking
12. Black & White Mirrors
13. Examining Beliefs

Deepening Relaxation

1. Tense, Relax
2. Flexibility of Awareness
3. Elemental Relaxation
4. Relaxing The Senses

How To See Energy

In this extensive series of videos we explore the practices that can support you in developing the ability to see energy. Throughout the course we cover many foundational practices and energetic principles, the benefits of which extend well beyond the opening of the third eye. 


"Simple But Not Easy" A Primer for Seeing Energy

Click here to download the introductory ebook on seeing energy entitled "Simple But Not Easy" that accompanies the following 4 videos.

1. Introduction - Youtube
2. Relaxation - Youtube
3. Four Fold Breathing - Youtube
4. Gazing - Youtube 

Laying The Foundation

5. What do you want? Why do you want it? & Erasing Personal History - Youtube
6. The Core Principle of Seeing Energy - Youtube
7. The Throat Chakra: Master Key of Seeing Energy and The Wind Breathing Technique - Youtube
8. Conscious Relaxation: Bridge to Seeing Energy - Youtube
9. Conscious Relaxation Guided Meditation - Join | Purchase 
10. The Burning Meditation for Seeing Energy Youtube
11. Waking Up the Throat Chakra - Youtube


12. Third Eye Initiation - YoutubeDownload PDF
13. Third Eye Initiation - Guided Meditation - Join | Purchase
14. Assuming The God Form | Neville Goddard | New Thought - Youtube
15. Addressing Overwhelm - Youtube
16. Candle Gazing Exercise - Youtube | Download PDF
17. Qigong For Seeing Energy - Youtube
18. The Dragon Meditation for Seeing Energy - Youtube
19. The Dragon Mediation - Guided Meditation - Join | Purchase
20. Philosophy of The Dragon & Chaotic Forces - Youtube 

Opening The Third Eye 

21. On Strategy - Youtube
22. Checkerboard Gazing - Youtube
23. Chaos, Challenge, and Adventure - Youtube
24. You Are What You Think About Most
of The Time - Youtube
25. Third Eye Meditation - Youtube
26. Third Eye Meditation - Guided Meditation Join | Purchase 

Stopping The Internal Dialogue

27. Stopping The Internal Dialogue - Youtube
28. Step 1: Observation - Youtube
29. Step 2: Focus - Youtube
30. Step 3: No Thoughts - Youtube 

The Kinjas for Seeing Energy

The Kinjas are a Taoist system for stimulating and toning the energy centers in a progressive way. This system involves patterns of breath and movement combined with specific diagrams.

*Please Note: Visit our Google Drive Folder for all the diagrams, photographs of hand configurations, and a complete practice schedule.  

31. Introduction to The Kinjas for Seeing Energy - Youtube
32. The Kinja Routine for Seeing Energy - Youtube | Download PDF
33. How To Perform The Kinjas - Youtube | Download Hand Positions
34. Chu - Youtube | Download Diagram
35. Shen - Youtube | Download Diagram
36. Kai - Youtube | Download Diagram 
37. Tai - Youtube | Download Diagram
38. Sha - Youtube | Download Diagram
39. Jen - Youtube | Download Diagram
40. Teng - YoutubeDownload Diagram
41. Hua - Youtube | Download Diagram
42. Tao - Youtube | Download Diagram

The Mastery of Gazing

43. Gazing At Your Hand - Youtube
44. Gazing With Plants Youtube
45. Gazing With Animals - Youtube
46. Gazing With Stones - Youtube

47. The Relationship with your Subconscious & Gazing with a Friend - Youtube
48. Gazing Into a Mirror - Youtube
49. Gazing At The Bowling Alley - Youtube
50. Awareness Above The Head - Youtube

Completing The Circle

51. A Practice, A Schedule, A Great Love - Youtube
52. Open Focus Meditation For Seeing Energy
53. Open Focus Meditation - Guided Meditation
54. Spiral, Dots, & Magic Eye Practice
55. Dark Retreats & Making It Personal

42 Days of Magical Practice


1. What Do You Want? - Youtube
2. Why Do You Want It? - Youtube
3. A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words - Youtube
4. Know Thyself, Change Thy World - Youtube
5. The Power of Non-Judgement - Youtube
6. Resistance Is Futile - Youtube
7. Relaxation Is Your Bridge Into The Subconscious Mind - Youtube
8. The Voice Commands, The Body Responds - Youtube
9. Don't Move! - Youtube
10. The Power of "The Dark Side" - Youtube
11. Look On The Bright Side - Youtube
12. The "St. Ignatius Rewind" - Youtube
13. Burn Baby...Burn - Youtube
14. Spiritual R.O.I - Youtube
15. Trial By Fire - Youtube
16. Wind, Water - Youtube
17. The Power of Clean - Youtube
18. End Result Make-Over - Youtube
19. Free-Diving For Insights - Youtube
20. Beta, Alpha, Theta, Wha?! - Youtube
21. Do or Do Not... There Is No "Try" - Youtube

22. Laser-like Focus and How To Have It - Youtube
23. Mastery of The Imaginative Faculty, and How To Achieve It - Youtube
24. Buddhist Monk In A Parking Lot - Youtube
25. Don't Plug Your Hairdryer Into The Hydro Electric Plant - Youtube
26. Em-BODY The Change You Want To See - Youtube
27. Norepinephrine Is Your New Favorite - Youtube
28. The Magic of Air - Youtube
29. Making Magic With Your Morning Coffee - Youtube
30. A Million-Dollar Meal - Youtube
31. Magical Pavarotti - Youtube
32. A Scale of Sympathetic Vibrations - Youtube
33. I.A.O - The Raw Materials of Creation - Youtube
34. Ninety-Nine Percent Empty Space and How To Experience It - Youtube
35. "I Am..." and What Follows - Youtube
36. The Elements of Nature and The One - Youtube
37. Sidewalk Chalk and Sacred Space - Youtube
38. Taking A Walk With Infinite Intelligence - Youtube
39. The Power of Gratitude - Youtube
40. The Building Blocks of Creation - Youtube
41. A Sympathetic Link With The Elements - Youtube
42. The Way You Want To  Receive - Youtube

Lucid Dreaming
Awaken The Sleeping Mind

Stage 1 of our Lucid Dreaming program is a weekly coaching series focused on practical and philosophical strategies to help you lucid dream regularly.



1. Four Stages of Lucid Dreaming: Eagle's Eye View - Youtube
2. Lucid Dreaming: Potentials For Healing The Past Youtube
3. Living With Super Powers For 8 Hours A Day Youtube 

Stage 1: Weeks 1 & 2

4. What Do You Want & Why? Immersing Yourself - Youtube
5. What Are You Afraid Of? - Youtube | Purchase The Burning Meditation
6. Dream Recall and The Art of Memory - Youtube
7. Weeks 1 & 2 Schedule + How To Spend Your Time Youtube
8. Coaching Call for Weeks 1 & 2 - Youtube 
9. Clarity vs Confusion & Observation of Your Mind - Youtube

Stage 1: Weeks 3 & 4  (Coming Soon for Non-Members)

10. Training The Will - Youtube
11. Lucid Dream Meditation
12. Dream Signs & Increasing The Value of Dreaming
13. Self-Pity, Indulgences & Barriers to Entry
14. The Schedule for weeks 3 & 4
15. Coaching Call for Weeks 3 & 4

Stage 1: Weeks 3 & 4 | Supplementary Videos (Coming Soon for Non-Members)

16. Lucid Dreaming Frequently Asked Questions

Stage 1: Weeks 5 & 6  (Coming Soon for Non-Members)

17. Mind Mapping and Going Beyond Rational Thought
18. Lucid Dream Meditation & Strongest Anchor
19. Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming (MILD)
20. Wake back to bed (WBTB) & the power of the pen
21. Jumping-off point & Weeks 5 & 6 Schedule
22. When do we get to the good stuff?
23. Coaching Call for Weeks 5 & 6

Stage 1: Weeks 7 & 8  (Coming Soon for Non-Members)

24. WBTB w/ Essential Oil & Mapping Your REM Cycle
25. Performing Reality Checks
26. Prospective Memory
27. A Solid Foundation
28. The Schedule for Weeks 7 & 8
29. Coaching Call for Weeks 7 & 8

Stage 1: Weeks 9, 10, 11 & 12  (Coming Soon for Non-Members)

30. Extra Sensory Lucid Dream Meditation
31. Unusual Reality Checks
32. Intro to Shamatha & Wake Induced Lucid Dreams
33. Cold Schedule & Making the Practices Your Own
34. Hypnogogia, Balance, the Terror of Transitions
35. Coaching Call for Weeks 9, 10, 11 & 12

Stage 2
of our Lucid Dreaming program focuses on becoming a proficient lucid dreamer. You’ll learn to lucid dream multiple times a week, perform wake-induced lucid dreams, stabilize and control your dreams, travel freely, and incubate specific scenarios for practical and spiritual growth. We also explore how dreams and the subconscious influence your physical life and how to use lucid dreaming to create the life you desire.

Stage 2: Achieving Escape Velocity

1. Cultivating Motivation: Why Lucid Dreaming is so Valuable - Youtube 

How To Make Contact
(Coming Soon for Non-Members)

In this program we explore the practices that can help support you in developing a personal relationship with any aspect of The One of your choosing: be it a spirit, saint, angel, or deity. First we introduce and build up core foundational practices. Then, we learn a personalized 42-day devotional.


1. Know Thyself and The Temple of Apollo (Coming Soon)

1. Stages of Contact & The Arising of Perceptual Phenomena
2. Observation of Mind
3. Guided Meditation for The Observation of Mind
4. Analysis Vs. Practice
5. On The Practice of Keeping a Journal

2. Transferring Consciousness To The Invisible (Coming Soon)

6. Chaos vs. Order, Integrating Observation of Mind Into Your Practice
7. The Theory and Practice of Step by Step Body Relaxation
8. Step by Step Body Relaxation Guided Meditation

3. Knowing What You Want and How We're Going To Make Contact (Coming Soon)

9. Devotional Practice - A Bird's Eye View
10. What Do You Want? and Why  Do You Want It?

4. Choosing Who To Contact, Making A Representation, Doing Your Homework (Coming Soon)

11. Choosing an Aspect of The One To Make Contact With
12. Creating an Alter, Crafting an Icon
13. Researching The Gods
14. Building a Solid Foundation, Developing Observation and Step by Step Relaxation

5. Creating Sacred Space from The Inside Out (Coming Soon)

15. Sacred Space & The Practice of The Middle Pillar
16. The Middle Pillar - Chakras vs. Sephirah, Analysis of The Energetic Body
17. The Middle Pillar - Part 1 - Overview
18. The Middle Pillar - Part 1 - Guided Meditation
19. The Middle Pillar - Part 2 - Overview
20. The Middle Pillar - Part 2 - Guided Meditation
21. Contact and The Complete Practice of The Middle Pillar

6. Releasing Psychic Knots and Balancing Chaotic Forces (Coming Soon)

22. Psychic Knots and The Energetic and Physical Bodies
23. Burning Meditation and Contact - Overview
24. Forgiveness Meditation - Overview
25. Forgiveness Meditation Step by Step Practice
26. The "Chaotic Force Party" - Overview
27. The practice of the "Chaotic Force Party"
28. Nature Abhors a Vacuum and Filling The Void


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